Unity in Diversity: Mysticism M. a. t. C. o. R. A. i. I., . (2013). The Green Isle in Shīʿī, Early Shaykhī, and Bābī-Bahāʾī Topography. : EJ Brill.
Unity in Diversity: Mysticism Messianism and the Construction of Religious Authority in Islam, . 2013. The Green Isle in Shīʿī, Early Shaykhī, and Bābī-Bahāʾī Topography. : EJ Brill.
Unity in Diversity: Mysticism M. a. t. C. o. R. A. i. I., . (2013). The Green Isle in Shīʿī, Early Shaykhī, and Bābī-Bahāʾī Topography. : EJ Brill.
Unity in Diversity: Mysticism Messianism and the Construction of Religious Authority in Islam, . The Green Isle in Shīʿī, Early Shaykhī, and Bābī-Bahāʾī Topography. : EJ Brill. 2013.