Rahbar Saberi

نگاهی به تاریخ از زاویه دیگر Negahi Be Tarikh Az Zaviyehe Digar To Look at History from a Different Perspective - Leader Books 2022 - 510 p.

This book is a complete collection of the historical events of Iran before and after the invasion of the Arabs and Mongols to our motherland, as well as complete familiarity with the era of the statement of the Most High and the events of constitutionalism and the issuance of two treatises "Civilian" and "Political" by the Holy Prophet Abdul-Bahá and Investigating the result of mujtahidin's involvement in political affairs and how historical events were distorted by mujtahidin and most historians in the past ages of Iran.
Reading this book is recommended to all Baha'is and Persian-speaking non-Baha'is friends.

Iranian Religions--Baha'i Faith