Bill Mahoney

A Shot at Redemption: My Journey to Sobriety and a Meaningful Life - Denver Colorado Pickle Ball Press 2019 - 149 p.

The son of a New York City fireman, Bill Mahoney grew up on the rough and tumble streets of Brooklyn. He took his first drink when he was eleven years old, and then became a raging alcoholic whose drinking led him from one misadventure to another. After a stint in Vietnam and graduate school at Cornell, he escaped to the mountains of Colorado where a life-changing moment finally induced him to seek treatment for his addictions. Sober at last, his adventures, he discovered, were only just beginning. He became a successful real estate developer, joined the Baha’i faith, and as a Baha’i "Travel Teacher," helped bring the religion to the former Soviet Union. He learned to fly a plane, traveled the world, found the love of his life, and by a quirk of fate, reconnected with his long lost son. Told with ruthless honesty, Mahoney’s story is an inspiring tale of addiction and redemption, of love lost and love found, and of the healing power of faith.

ISBN-10: 1072962179 ISBN-13: 978-1072962175

Biography--Baha'i Faith
Sobriety--Baha'i Faith
Recreational Drugs--Baha'i Faith
Addictions and Dependencies--Baha'i Faith