Michael V. Day

Sacred Stairway The Story of the Shrine of the Báb Volume III: 1963–2001 - Oxford George Ronald 2019 - 240 text pages plus 40 pages of illustrations 234 x 156 mm (9.75 x 6.25 ins)

Sacred Stairway is the final volume in a trilogy which tells the dramatic and inspiring story of the Shrine of the Báb in Haifa, Israel, from 1850 to 2001. The first two volumes, Journey to a Mountain and Coronation on Carmel, won a warm international reception. Now the story moves on to describe the successful construction in the 1990s of a stairway with 19 garden terraces stretching one kilometre up the steep northern slopes of Mount Carmel. The story of the project of the Universal House of Justice to build the “Pathway of the Kings and Rulers of the world” is one of devotion, sacrifi ce and supreme expertise in architecture, engineering and horticulture.


Shrine of the Báb--Israel--Baha'i Faith

Haifa--Israel--Baha'i Faith