Sahar Sabati

Spirit Within Club 2 - Draft2Digital 2019 - 314 p.

Arwen's schoolwork and coaching duties are increasing substantially; to make it worse, his parents are having marriage problems. Ghada is struggling to choose between what her Bahá'í Faith teaches and what magazines, television, and movies invite her to do. Being part of the Spirit Within Club is taking its toll on Egan's friendships at the Buddhist Temple. The club's newest member, MaSovaida, doesn't understand why the house of a devout Christian family like hers was robbed.After the initial success of their club, launched only a year ago, a group of eleven-year-old friends realise that making the world a better place entails a whole new set of challenges. But when they start widening their circle – of friends, mentors, and activities – they realise that their power and influence can only increase.


Youth--Baha'i Faith
Children's Literature--Baha'i Faith