Manfred Hutter

Iranische Religionen : Zoroastrismus, Yezidentum, Bahāʾītum / Iranian Religions: Zoroastrianism, Yezidism, and Bahaism Manfred Hutter. - 1st edition. - Boston, MA : De Gruyter, 2019 - 233 pages, 23 cm, index, bibliography - De Gruyter Studium .

“Iranian religions” are not restricted to the territory of today’s Islamic Republic of Iran, but in historical perspective, are more extensive. This book focuses on the religious history, doctrines, and religious institutions of the Zoroastrians, Yazidi, and Baha’i. Its description of the typical characteristics of each religion reveals both their differences and commonalities.

1. Einleitung
Pages 1-5
2. Der religionsgeschichtliche Rahmen
Pages 6-27
3. Der Zoroastrismus
Pages 28-100
4. Das Yezidentum
Pages 101-153
5. Das Bahāʾītum
Pages 154-202
6. Iranische Religionen im Vergleich: Ein kurzes Resümee
Pages 203-210
7. Anregungen zu vergleichenden Betrachtungen und zum Studium
Pages 211-218
Pages 219-229

Comparison of religions; politics of religion; religious minorities

9783110649710 9783110656176 (ebk. (pdf) 9783110657494 (ebk. (epub)


Iranian Religions--Baha'i Faith
Comparative Religion--Baha'i Faith