Susan Gammage

Making Friends with Sin and Temptation: A Baha'i Perspective - Nine Star Solutions 2013 - 254 p.

Many of us cringe when we hear the word “sin” but ‘Abdu’l-Bahá tells us that “We are all sinners”. So if we are all sinners, we’re all tempted and there is nothing to be ashamed of!

This book is full of practical, powerful solutions from the Divine Physician, a source we can trust. It gives lots of examples and stories to inform us of the Bahá’í concept of sin and teach us how we can overcome temptation. In it you will discover the meaning and nature of sin; the actions considered as sins; the reasons and ways we are tempted; ways to resist, change and stop temptation at the root before it becomes sin. You will understand where you have choices and how to make them; challenge habits of thought that keep you doing things you don’t want to do; learn how to transform temptations into virtues and specific prayers you can use when you’re tempted. When you learn to apply the Divine Remedy, there is hope for a complete recovery.


Living the Life--Baha'i Faith
Virtue Ethics--Baha'i Faith
Spirituality--Baha'i Faith