The Apostle of Peace A Survey of References to 'Abdu'l-Baha in the Western Press 1871-1921 - Oxford George Ronald 2018 - xxiii, 563 p. - Apostle of Peace Volume 2: 1912-1921 2 .

The Apostle of Peace, compiled by Amín Egea over a ten-year period, is a fascinating collection of only a few hundred of the over 2,200 press articles written about ‘Abdu’l-Bahá during His lifetime that have thus far come to light. This, the second of two volumes, covers the period from 13 December 1912 to the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in November 1921, including the many articles published afterwards. This volume also details ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s contact in Europe and North America with suffragist organizations, the civil rights movement, Esperantists, the Theosophical Society and with various figures and organizations linked with the spiritualist and esoteric movements.



Media Relations--Baha'i Faith
Baha'i Studies--Baha'i Faith

Western Hemisphere--Baha'i Faith