Shahbaz Fatheazam

The Last Refuge: Fifty Years of the Universal House of Justice - Wilmette, Illinois Irfan Colloquia 2015 - 116 p.

The transitional period of the Bahá'í Faith, the latest of God's revealed religions, is absorbing. The significance of historical events is magnified not just by the hold of new imperatives and new emerging realities but by a landscape increasingly cluttered with discredited alternatives of polity and organization. This short essay draws on facts from 1963 onwards and attemps to organize ideas around a unique theme, the establishment of the Universal House of Justice and its corollary, loyaltyto a special leadership which, as an unseen magnet, draws cultures abd societies towards a unitary center supported by the universal appeal to order and a loving authority. Social forces that allow for civilization to advance must crystallize into institutions to be immortalized. With history moving in only one direction, unerring, it is the ultimate responsibility of this supreme institution to assure she flow toward her goal, 'that Ark of human salvation.'


The Universal House of Justice

The Universal House of Justice--Baha'i Faith
History--Baha'i Faith