Donald S. Hawley

Ginny: The Story of Virginia Rogers and Her Relax The Back® Stores - Essex, Maryland One Voice Press 2015 - 255 p., illus.

How Virginia Rogers went from broke to blessed In the 1970s, anyone witnessing the penniless hippie staggering from the wreckage of the Fujiyama Odyssey, reeling from a failed marriage that had stranded her with two small children, would never have guessed what lay in wait for Virginia Rogers. Determined to succeed in her new life, Ginny summoned all her entrepreneurial skills to start a cutting-edge copy store (GINNY’s), then transform a second business into a nationwide franchise (Relax the Back). Finding a fresh faith, overcoming a Sixties hangover – the indomitable Virginia Rogers didn’t merely succeed. She transcended. From drugs, sex, rock’n’roll, to Travel teaching in Africa and Asia – she’s done them all, and lived to tell the tale.

On March 10, 1995, when the thousands of Americans following the O.J. Simpson trial clicked on their TVs, they learned about the phenomenal chairs being sold at Ginny Rogers’ store. But in the 1970s, anyone witnessing the penniless hippie staggering from the wreckage of the Fujiyama Odyssey (billed as the greatest rock concert ever but now simply broke), and reeling from a failed marriage that had left her with two small children to support, would never have guessed what lay in wait for Virginia Rogers.

Paperback: 978-1-940135-36-6

Ginny Rogers

Biography--Baha'i Faith