Flame Of Tests: The Story Of Farhang Mavaddat An account of incidents experienced between 1978 and 1981 by Farhang Mavaddat and his family during the Islamic Revolution in Iran, by his wife Mehraeen Mavaddat-Mottahedin, who was an eyewitness to the events described. - 236 p. illus.

This book, over thirty-four years in the writing, is the story of the great love and sacrifice of two victims of Iran’s Islamic regime. In it, Mehri Mavaddat, an Iranian Bahá’í of Jewish background, tells how her husband, Farhang Mavaddat, an elected member of a local Bahá’í administrative body in the early aftermath of the Islamic Revolution, suffered unspeakable persecution, imprisonment and, finally, death for his religious beliefs. Farhang Mavaddat was a fifth-generation Bahá’í. Trained as a chemical engineer, he worked in the field of sugar production, where he was admired for his expertise, intelligence, work ethic, honesty, and calm, personal dignity. He was devoted to the development of Iran’s industry and for those who worked in it, especially those who needed his assistance. With tenderness, great courage, and honesty, Mehri Mavaddat shares the details of his arrest, torture, unjust trial, and, finally, after nine months of imprisonment, his cruel execution


Farhang Mavaddat

Persecution--Iran--Baha'i Faith
Adversity--Baha'i Faith