
Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh - 2nd revised edition - Wilmette Illinois Baha'i Publishing Trust 1976 - xvi, 346 pages ; 23 cm Index, glossary.

A selection of passages from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, compiled and translated by Shoghi Effendi, including extracts from Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, the Kitáb-i-Íqán, and the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, as well as other Tablets.

Shoghi Effendi's own translation and compilation of selections from the writings of Baha'u'llah which has become a standard scriptural volume for all Baha'is.

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Collected works--Baha'u'llah
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah--Baha'u'llah