By My Fruits You Shall Know Me - Global Perspective 2013 - 292 p.

Mankind Faced With a New ChoiceWe are once again confronted with a new choice—a choice between apathy and search. Our Creator never forsakes us; in the midst of gloom and darkness He sends forth the light, and in the hour of sadness He bestows hope. The responsibility of making the choice falls upon everyone. And this is the message of this book: to invite every seeker of truth to the path of search, that he may heed the voice of reason and hearken to the call of hope, that he may reach out for God’s greatest and most glorious Gift to mankind: the Redeemer of the new age, the Prince of Peace, the King of Glory, the Supreme Savior of the human race.

Should religion be acknowledged merely on faith? Is religion simply an outpouring of human emotions and detached from reason? There are many who believe so, but such a belief is merely a supposition, solely an assumption. For the divine Educators teach otherwise; they ask us to search and to test every claim in the crucible of reason. Every seeker of truth needs to know why he believes in his own Faith, his own Savior. Once this is accomplished, the task of seeking and finding the truth becomes quite simple. All that the seeker needs to do is to apply the conditions or requirements that hold true in relation to his own Faith and Savior, to the new Faith and the new Savior. If they apply, he accepts; if not, he rejects. By My Fruits You Shall Know Me will guide you through the path of the search for truth.

ISBN-13 : 979-8662966505


Introductory Works--Baha'i Faith