Kenneth Bowers

God Speaks Again : An Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith - Wilmette Baha'i Publishing Trust 2004 - xi, 296 p.

God Speaks Again is a comprehensive introduction to the Baha'i Faith. Members of the Baha'i religion believe that periodically throughout history, God has revealed Himself to humanity through Divine Messengers-among them Abraham, Zoroaster, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad-each offering fresh spiritual teachings suited for the age in which they appear. Bowers quotes extensively from Baha'u'llah 's own writings, which Baha'is regard as the most recent Divine Revelation for humankind, providing a welcome glimpse into its power and majesty. In placing the life of Baha'u'llah at the center of the story, he reveals an authentically inspiring figure and the inseparable connection between a new religion and an extraordinary human being touched by His Creator.


Introductory Works--Baha'i Faith