Tigress Tycoons

The article discusses Chinese businesswomen, focusing on real-estate executive Zhang Xin, talk-show host Yang Lan, online retail business owner Peggy Yu Yu, and restaurant executive Zhang Lan. The author examines the lives of businesswomen and provides information on their views on innovation in Chinese businesses, the Chinese education system, and Western business practices. The article also looks at Chinese parenting, concerns that the country's one-child policy has led to children being spoiled, and gender equality in China. Zhang Xin is a rags-to-riches tale right out of Dickens. She was born in Beijing in 1965. The next year Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, and millions, including intellectuals and party dissidents, were purged or forcibly relocated to primitive rural areas. Children were encouraged to turn in their parents and teachers as counterrevolutionaries. Returning to Beijing in 1972, Zhang remembers sleeping on office desks, using books for pillows. At 14 she left for Hong Kong with her mother, and for five years she worked in a factory by day, attending school at night. "I was a miserable kid," she told me. With her chic cropped leather jacket and infectious laughter, the cofounder of the