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Storie di fede, di gloria e d'infamia : personaggi e vicende degli Araldi dell'aurora

By: Material type: TextTextPublication details: Rome Casa Editrice Baha'i 2019Description: 2 vols. 1234 p. [Continuous pagination] illus., maps, appendicesOther title:
  • Stories of faith, glory and infamy: characters and events of the Heralds of the Dawn
Stories of Faith, Glory and Infamy includes over one hundred biographies and fourteen appendices, the fruit of a thorough study of the Heralds of the Dawn, Nabíl's epic narrative of the origins of the Bahá'í Revelation. The life of the protagonists of those heroic deeds was illustrated starting from the information provided in the Heralds of the dawn and completed by drawing on other sources, in order to have a broader vision. Conceived to bring readers closer to the characters of Bábí history, both great and less great, and also to bring out of the darkness their opponents, who played so much part in the unfolding of the dramatic events of those years, these "stories" can also be read in no particular order and independently of each other. The appendices have been added to clarify the complex intertwining of names, people, places and concepts closely linked to the culture and religion of nineteenth-century Persia, mostly foreign to the wealth of knowledge and knowledge of the West. Stories of faith, glory and infamy was written to honor the bicentenary of the Báb's birth, which occurs on the 1st Muharram 1235 of Hegira and on October 20, 1819 according to the Gregorian calendar. Stories of Faith, Glory and Infamy is a complete and exhaustive work that satisfies the need of any reader. The numerous biographies, which can be read independently of each other, experiencing a personal and autonomous path, stand out clearly in the historical, religious and social panorama of the time and the fifteen appendices provide explanations, references, indications, collected thanks to a study meticulous and precise. Here then is that the need to know heroes and martyrs of the dawn of our Faith, models of our action, allows us freedom of choice on the sequence to follow and the need for knowledge and deepening, will satisfy any attentive scholar in search of details and references so far not notice. The love that shines through and binds the whole work will make its way to our heart.
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Printed  or electronic book Printed or electronic book New Zealand National Baha'i Reference Library Available

Storie di fede, di gloria e d’infamia comprende oltre cento biografie e quattordici appendici, frutto di un approfondito studio degli Araldi dell’aurora, la narrazione epica delle origini della Rivelazione bahá’í scritta da Nabíl. La vita dei protagonisti di quelle eroiche gesta è stata illustrata a partire dalle notizie fornite negli Araldi dell’aurora e completata attingendo ad altre fonti, in modo da averne una più ampia visione. Concepite per avvicinare i lettori ai personaggi della storia bábí, grandi e meno grandi, e anche per fare uscire dall’oscurità i loro oppositori, che tanta parte hanno avuto nel dispiegarsi delle drammatiche vicende di quegli anni, queste “storie” possono essere lette anche in ordine sparso e indipendentemente l’una dall’altra. Le appendici sono state aggiunte per chiarire il complesso intreccio di nomi, persone, luoghi e concetti strettamente legati alla cultura e alla religione della Persia del XIX secolo, perlopiù estraneo al patrimonio di saperi e conoscenze dell’Occidente. Storie di fede, di gloria e d’infamia è stato scritto per onorare il bicentenario della nascita del Báb, che ricorre il 1° Muharram 1235 dell’Egira e il 20 ottobre 1819 secondo il calendario gregoriano. Storie di fede, di gloria e d’infamia è un’opera completa ed esaustiva che soddisfa l’esigenza di qualunque lettore. Le numerose biografie, che possono essere lette indipendentemente l’una dall’altra, sperimentando un percorso personale e autonomo, si stagliano nitide nel panorama storico religioso e sociale del tempo e le quindici appendici forniscono spiegazioni, riferimenti, indicazioni, raccolte grazie a uno studio minuzioso e preciso. Ecco allora che il bisogno di conoscere eroi e martiri degli albori della nostra Fede, modelli del nostro agire, ci consente libertà di scelta sulla sequenza da seguire e la necessità di conoscenza e approfondimento, soddisferà qualunque attento studioso alla ricerca di dettagli e riferimenti finora non noti. L’amore che traspare e lega tutta l’opera si farà strada fino al nostro cuore.

Stories of Faith, Glory and Infamy includes over one hundred biographies and fourteen appendices, the fruit of a thorough study of the Heralds of the Dawn, Nabíl's epic narrative of the origins of the Bahá'í Revelation. The life of the protagonists of those heroic deeds was illustrated starting from the information provided in the Heralds of the dawn and completed by drawing on other sources, in order to have a broader vision. Conceived to bring readers closer to the characters of Bábí history, both great and less great, and also to bring out of the darkness their opponents, who played so much part in the unfolding of the dramatic events of those years, these "stories" can also be read in no particular order and independently of each other. The appendices have been added to clarify the complex intertwining of names, people, places and concepts closely linked to the culture and religion of nineteenth-century Persia, mostly foreign to the wealth of knowledge and knowledge of the West. Stories of faith, glory and infamy was written to honor the bicentenary of the Báb's birth, which occurs on the 1st Muharram 1235 of Hegira and on October 20, 1819 according to the Gregorian calendar. Stories of Faith, Glory and Infamy is a complete and exhaustive work that satisfies the need of any reader. The numerous biographies, which can be read independently of each other, experiencing a personal and autonomous path, stand out clearly in the historical, religious and social panorama of the time and the fifteen appendices provide explanations, references, indications, collected thanks to a study meticulous and precise. Here then is that the need to know heroes and martyrs of the dawn of our Faith, models of our action, allows us freedom of choice on the sequence to follow and the need for knowledge and deepening, will satisfy any attentive scholar in search of details and references so far not notice. The love that shines through and binds the whole work will make its way to our heart.


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