Unimaginable Resilience of a Pen

Shahriar Jahanian

Unimaginable Resilience of a Pen - n.p. Shahriar Jahanian 2022 - 148 p.

What is life but a mere road that is hard to travel? The Unimaginable resilience of a pen is a historical and true story of bravery and resilience. The story of Maryam from Iran is a poignant example of the challenges one may face in life. Maryam, a young woman who dared to think differently from those around her, was discriminated against and denied an education. Her relatives and even her husband were imprisoned or killed because of their beliefs. Despite the adversity, Maryam refused to be silenced. With nothing but a pen in hand, Maryam decided to fight back against the injustices she faced. Will she succeed? Read this story to see if the resilience and power of a pen can be more powerful than weapon.


Persecution--Iran--Baha'i Faith
Iranian Religions--Baha'i Faith
History--Iran--Baha'i Faith

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