Baha'i Women: Still Marching Down Under

Linda Shallcross

Baha'i Women: Still Marching Down Under - n.p. Linda Shallcross 2022 - 103 p. illus.

A compilation of short stories about young women, mostly from Australia, who were attracted to the Baha'i Faith in the 1960s and 1970s. Many were amongst the first in their family to join this new Faith and often after searching for meaning in their lives. Some were actively seeking for truth, while others were attracted by the Sydney Baha'i Temple. And some others felt guided by loved ones who had passed onto the spiritual realm. These women have now been Baha'is for 50 or more years and their stories, heartfelt and at times heartbreaking, are a celebration for them and their families.


Biography--Baha'i Faith

Australasia--Baha'i Faith
Australia--Baha'i Faith
New Zealand--Baha'i Faith

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