Creating a Spiritual Home : Mother's Book

Creating a Spiritual Home : Mother's Book - 40 p. illus. - A Programme for Mothers .

The purpose of this programme is to help us to become better mothers. There are six books in this programme. Each book explains a different part of the education of children. This programme was made to be studied by local women's groups, at women's conferences and at home. Each of the six topics has two books--a Teacher's Guide and a Mother's Book. The Teacher's Guide was written to be used by a person working rural women. It may also be useful for urban women. The Teacher's Guide has quotations from the Holy Writings, explanations, questions and activities, and pictures. Difficult words in the book are starrred (*). When you see a star *. look at the bottom of the page to find the meaning of the word. The Mother's Book has prayers, explanations, questions and activities, and pictures. Wherever possible it has been translated into mother-tongue. These books are meant as a starting point place for your study of the Baha'i Faith. Much more can be found in the Holy Writings about these subjects. We encourage you to study the Holy Writings for yourself.

Moral Education--Baha'i Faith
Family relations--Baha'i Faith
Children--Baha'i Faith

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