A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Báb. Edited in the Original Persian, and Translated into English, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. Volume 2. English Translation and Notes

A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Báb. Edited in the Original Persian, and Translated into English, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. Volume 2. English Translation and Notes Maqālah-ʾi shakhṣī-i sayyāḥ kih dar qaz̤īyah-ʾi Bāb nivishtah ast - Reprint of original Vol 2 English translation and Notes - New York Baha'i Publishing Commitee 1930 - liii, addenda, corrigenda, 447 p.

English translation with extensive introduction notes and appendices.

In this 1891 publication, Edward Granville Browne (1862–1926) offered a translation of The Episode of the Báb into English. Volume one is the original Persian text, and volume two the English translation, complete with notes and a substantial appendix

Bábi Faith
Collected Works--'Abdu'l-Baha
A Traveller's Narrative--'Abdu'l-Baha

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