Marriage Can Be Forever - Preparation Counts! : Walking a Path to a Spiritually-Based Marriage - A Workbook

Marriage Can Be Forever - Preparation Counts! : Walking a Path to a Spiritually-Based Marriage - A Workbook - 3rd ed. - Cleveland, OH Claricom Publishing 2007 - vii, 584 p.

Individuals interested in self-preparation for marriage, and couples wanting to prepare thoroughly for marriage using the teachings of the Baha'i Faith, will find this a comprehensive guide. Detailed workbook that takes individuals and then couples through self-preparation, dating, and preparing for marriage. Discussion questions, stories, cartoons, worksheets, coaching, arts activities, and more. "Careful preparation for marriage is an essential first step in the preservation of Bahá’í marriage." (World Centre Research Department)


Marriage--Baha'i Faith
Marriage Enrichment--Baha'i Faith
Family relations--Baha'i Faith

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