Marriage Can Be Forever - Preparation Counts! : Walking a Path to a Spiritually-Based Marriage - A Workbook

Marriage Can Be Forever - Preparation Counts! : Walking a Path to a Spiritually-Based Marriage - A Workbook - 2nd ed. - Cleveland, OH Claricom Publishing 2003 - x, 322 p.

For less than the cost of a dinner and movie and far less than the cost of a divorce, "Marriage Can Be Forever : Preparation Counts!" is an indispensable hands-on workbook that will guide your heart and mind along the path leading to marriage. Poetry, spiritual quotes, a couple’s story, personal perspectives, coaching, discussions questions, and activities engage you in romance and humor, along with the practical application of spiritual concepts that apply to the marriage preparation process. This book is for people committed to religious and spiritual traditions and who wish to have a marriage that includes faith, with God at its heart. To contribute to this goal, the gift of the spiritual guidance from the Bahá'í Faith is woven throughout it. The Bahá’í Faith, the most recent among the world's religions (about 160 years old), offers useful insights on dating, courtship, marriage, and family life. The authors believe the perspectives from its Teachings will be valuable for you as you prepare for marriage, and you need not be a Bahá’í to find them applicable to your journey toward creating a spiritually-based marriage. Begin your journey toward a strong, loving marriage today!


Marriage--Baha'i Faith
Marriage Enrichment--Baha'i Faith
Family relations--Baha'i Faith

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