The Humanity of Diplomacy : People and Diplomacy in the Twenty-First Century

John Grayzel

The Humanity of Diplomacy : People and Diplomacy in the Twenty-First Century The Humanity of Diplomacy : People and Diplomacy in the Twenty-First Century : an interactive dialogue organized by the Bahá'í Chair for World Preace, University of Maryland with explanatory notes, appendices, and bibliographies (including two annotated bibliographies) - Charleston, SC BookSurge 2009 - 70 p.

The theme addressed by this Interactive Dialogue is how ordinary people can more actively and effectively contribute to official diplomacy. This topic was inspired by the history of the negotiations that culminated in the Treaty of Portsmouth, the 1905 agreement that ended the Russo-Japanese War. As the reader will discover, the insightful discussion among a panel with extensive diplomatic, academic, and conflict management experience provides significant insights into the original question. What also emerges is an understanding of how it is precisely the exercise of the personal humanity of those engaged in official diplomacy--clearly and purposefully expressed--that is a key to diplomatic success. This, it is hoped, is an insight that will be of value to those engaged, or interested, in the vital art of peace diplomacy. The Interactive Dialogue is presented together with explanatory notes, appendices, and bibliographies (including two annotated bibliographies).

9781439213438 1439213437


Baha'i Chair for World Peace

Peace--Baha'i Faith
Diplomacy--Baha'i Faith

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