Suffering & Spiritual Growth : Calamities & Providence / from trauma to: peace, tranquility, sanity and dignity

Suffering & Spiritual Growth : Calamities & Providence / from trauma to: peace, tranquility, sanity and dignity - n.p. One World Press 2010 - 232 pages ; 22 cm

Suffering and Spiritual Growth" is an exciting and captivating account of trauma and emotional growth. It is a metaphoric presentation of human spiritual powers. The author in this book walks a mystic path with practical feet. He brings the Buddha face to face with Freud in mindfulness meditation. Stories and metaphors presented belong to life and existential experiences, which turn the ordinary human being into a hero. When traumatized individuals decide to go inward, in the process of creating a narrative, they find a relationship between their deepest heartfelt emotions and the Ground of Being. They grow, transcend and become poets, writers, mythmakers and heroes. . Amanat has presented a wealth of information about PTSD, the current hidden epidemic around the world


Psychology--Baha'i Faith
Tests and Difficulties--Baha'i Faith
Suffering--Baha'i Faith
Spirituality--Baha'i Faith

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