Casablanca: In The Last Days of French Morocco

Don Springer Hawley

Casablanca: In The Last Days of French Morocco - New Liskeard, ON White Mountain Publications 2011 - 312 p., illus.

Casablanca ~In The Last Days of French Morocco is an autobiographical account of a young and aspiring member of the Bahá'í Faith during his early years, reconciling his newly-found Faith and his job in the US Corps of Engineers. This book gives his first hand account of the worst riot in Casablanca's history, conditions of martial law, and a general period of violent political unrest as the country is in violent transition from the French Morocco of "Rick's" Casablanca from the memorable motion picture to the independent country of Maroc in 1955. D. Springer Hawley was born at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona into a military family. As a twelfth-generation American and a member of the Sons of the American Revolution as well as the Order of Founders and Patriots of America, he has lived all over the world as a child of Army parents. He is a graduate architect with a master degree in engineering and has worked as a registered professional engineer and architect both overseas in North Africa and Asia as well as a senior engineer domestically in a dozen states for some of America's largest engineering-construction companies, including Bechtel, Brown & Root, and Ralph M. Parsons. His last position before retiring, was as chief engineer for Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin, Texas. He became a member of the Bahá'í Faith in September of 1951 and has been an active participant ever since


Don Springer Hawley

Biography--Baha'i Faith

French Morocco

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