The Ministry of the Custodians, 1957-1963 : An Account of the Stewardship of the Hands of the Cause

The Ministry of the Custodians, 1957-1963 : An Account of the Stewardship of the Hands of the Cause - Haifa Baha'i World Centre 1992 - xxiv, 485 pages : illustrations

This book of messages of the Hands of the Cause, from the passing of the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith, in November 1957, to the formation of the first Universal House of Justice in 1963, is based on the files of the Hands in the Holy Land and on my personal experience as one of the Custodians of the Bahá’í Faith for five and a half years. It does not pretend to be a history but rather a record of the remarkable and unique accomplishments of an unpretentious group of world religious officials who, with no forewarning or preparation, suddenly, under the most tragic circumstances, found themselves called upon to seize the helm of their Faith, protect it from dissolution and schism, win the goals of an ambitious, far-flung, world ten-year-teaching campaign, which had only reached its half-way point, and steer it to the victory of unitedly electing its Supreme Body in 1963!

Year by year collection of correspondence between the Hands of the Cause around the world and the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land.

Hands of the Cause of God--Baha'i Faith
Hands of the Cause Residing in the Holy Land--Baha'i Faith

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