Love, Power, and Justice : The Dynamics of Authentic Morality

William S. Hatcher

Love, Power, and Justice : The Dynamics of Authentic Morality - WiIlmette Baha'i Publishing Trust 1998 - xviii, 155 p.

What is authentic morality? How do we know that we are being true to inauthentic moral standard? The purpose of this book is to facilitate our understanding of the process by which we can find satisfactory answers to these questions and come closer to the truth about our convictions and their worth relative to a higher authority. With fascinating insight and considerable impact, Dr. Hatcher explores an age-old problem, using precepts and arguments from philosophy, science, and religion, as well as the profound concepts contained in the Baha'i revelation. Love, Power, and Justice is truly a groundbreaking contribution to one of the more intractable debates of our time - a time when so many different factions and individuals each claim to speak with moral authority


Moral Psychology--Baha'i Faith
Practical Theology--Baha'i Faith
Theological Ethics--Baha'i Faith

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